Monday, February 14, 2011

Training is on!

We just started training in Bangalore a city in south India! We have 19 trainees including 3 deaf. It looks like a really good start of the course. Some people already have really good skills and all are really keen and motivated.

We are going to be having a really good course it looks like.

I am really keen to continue the work of training interpreters and hope to be able to get enough interest generated acros the country so that we are able to find motivated groups to take courses everywhere.

We are going to need interpreters all over the country as soon as the supreme court judgement on colleges and inclusive education come out. There is case in the supreme court now that is being decided and the court has asked for the systems that disabled persons need to be put in place. If all goes well then the facilities that university will have to provide for disabled persons will include interpreters for deaf student sin all universities and colleges in India. so deaf people will get the facility from the college free of charge. This will generate huge employment for interpreters in the country.

As we look forward to that day lets all improve our own skills.

go to for ISL learning.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Orissa training!

The workshop in Orissa went off really well and the people there were really enthusiastic about the whole program. Hopefully thru them we will have some more people who will be ready for training in a year or less.

I think the whole exercise is a good awareness building platform. As we train people more an more people realize the value addition being made to people who are just interested and it will generate more interest. i really hope the snowball comes and i certainly hope to be ready for it when it does.

The high court is still waiting for the response from the govt on interpreter provision. So lets see what comes out of it. Its a matter of time. When it happens we need to be prepared because the need for interpreters is so high that suddenly overnight we will need hundreds.

The Bangalore training starts in 5 days on the 14th of February.