Saturday, January 23, 2010


Deaf people in india are often beaten to ensure that they are really deaf. No... its true. this is a common test performed by police men and other authority groups such as random mobs, groups of rambunctious youth on a rampage and so on.

I really dunno how useful it will be in a heated situation but we just developed a communication support card for our deaf members. A simple plastic card to be carried and shown to any one to let them know that you are in fact deaf and are not able to speak and communicate as others do with few tips on talking/communicating with deaf people on the flip side. A plug for the internet video relay service, and The Association of Sign Language Interpreters is added and you have a neat little card that says most of it.

We are doing pilot test with the group at the National Deaf Youth Conference starting on 25th jan. I will be back with feed back.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Indian sign language website!

Indian Sign language and the Interpreter situation in India has received very little attention and as such it has been an uphill struggle to get anyone to understand the importance of the access issues the deaf face. We have been trying in vain for years for people to understand the issue and accept the fact that interpreters are an integral part of the intervention the deaf people of India need to be able to participate in society and be included. This has had no effect on any of the ones we have spoken to beyond tut-tutting and a pat on the back.

So we had to take decisive action to promote and promulgate Indian Sign Language in any way possible. We started with leaflet distribution in 2004 and VCD soon after.We have just launched the first website to use video to showcase and teach Indian Sign Language. The site went up last week and we are just through checking it. So this is an invite to all the people who really want to learn and see Indian Sign Language in action. The site is out there at

The marathon production took over a 18 months to complete and finalise and finally design and upload. A team of deaf people worked on it for vocabulary and choosing dominant and popular signs. the film work and the editing was also done by deaf people. a completely indigenously made website with a lot to offer.

We plan to make a DVD of the entire site with sentences in Sign language included and grammar notations to enable student of Indian Sign Language to access learning at home.

The Deaf Way had made the first VCD of Indian Sign Language years ago and that has been the mainstay of the teaching process at The Deaf Way for some time. This new Website has taken it to the next level and we really hope that many people will be able to access and use it to learn.

so go there and check it out.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The view from over here!

There is a heck of a long way to go for the interpreting community in India. The whole recognition of sign language debate is still not going anywhere and the Govt is already racked with enough languages to sink a ship. Adding sign language to the apple cart is just one more thing. And thats about that.

I was just thinking lets go whole hog. Lets challenge the hearing people out there with their national language definition and put their ideas to the test. If we had a hearing person from all over India who only spoke one official language each then we would have 18 people because there are 18 languages in the constitution. If these 18 folks got together and tried to talk they woul;d get nowhere fast because nobody understand anyone else at any level. then we get 18 deaf people from all over the country from the various language areas as above and the 18 deaf folks have a rip roaring great time talking about everything under the sun.

Who's "dumb" now???? Huh???

So is that settled then???

QED : Indian Sign Language is the only really national language in the country today being used across the country by deaf persons for communicating without barriers.

So how about the scoffers put that in their pipe and smoke it!!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Interpreting Conference in February

The ASLI is now having its second conference on a national scale in India in February in Delhi. Its a wonderful opportunity to get senior experts together to discuss INterpreting and Sign Language and deaf access issues. Senior leaders in the field both deaf and hearing have confirmed to attend and by all accounts it should be a wonderful event.

The goal wold be to of course get a lot of publicity thru the deaf community and also in the general media as to the importance of interpreters and the access issues that deaf people face on a daily basis which others don't realise.

Efforts are on even now to get Govt agencies and ministries to participate and gain experience about these critical issues before formulating policies on these matters.

The issue of community interpreting which is by far the most relevant one for a country such as ours wit a population of 10 million deaf persons will be addressed at the conference in detail. I am looking forward to having a number of interpreters who have been working at the grass roots level across the country coming in to share their own experiences and the work that they have been doing. While the presentation will be rather specialised and illuminating in their own way I feel that the ground realities are the indicators by which we will need to chart our future. These will be the most valuable inputs and we hope to capitalise on each attendees experience to guide us.