I was just thinking lets go whole hog. Lets challenge the hearing people out there with their national language definition and put their ideas to the test. If we had a hearing person from all over India who only spoke one official language each then we would have 18 people because there are 18 languages in the constitution. If these 18 folks got together and tried to talk they woul;d get nowhere fast because nobody understand anyone else at any level. then we get 18 deaf people from all over the country from the various language areas as above and the 18 deaf folks have a rip roaring great time talking about everything under the sun.
Who's "dumb" now???? Huh???
So is that settled then???
QED : Indian Sign Language is the only really national language in the country today being used across the country by deaf persons for communicating without barriers.
So how about the scoffers put that in their pipe and smoke it!!!!!
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